Prosper Now!
While we have fun at Ameenai and enjoy memes and viral videos, we're also interested in prosperity.
Showcase your Talent or Dream or Hustle! Raise funds for a project! Grab free GiveAways!
Buy/Sell Stuff. Discuss Issues/Topics. Find/Post Jobs. Share viral Videos and Pics.
Business Contacts and Projects
By all means Ameenai is about fun! But we're also about our members building serious and professional connections and projects. So feel free to connect with other members for business endeavours.
Showcase Your Talent!
Show the word what you can do! Or show the world what you woud like to do. Your choice! Ameenia is a platform where talented people are discovered, celebrated and supported.
And when we say "show us what you can do", we mean anything! Are you a professional juggler? Great! Take a pic or video and post it on Ameenai so people can know more about you. Are you a barber? Great! Post your skills or your shop on Ameenai. Can you sing? Dance? Act? Run? Draw? Eat? Drive? Whatever? POST yourself on Ameenai for peope to see and discover.
Decency Rule
Ameenai does not allow indecent language or posts. If you cannot send a post, video or image to your mom, do NOT post it on Ameenai. Let us be clear, even if you can send your mom an indecent post do NOT post it here. You / your IP will be BANNED. In addition, all your points accrued are immediately forfeited by you. All your tips or gifts accrued are immediately forfeited by you. You relenquish all benefits, points, gifts, tips, and money accrued on Ameenai the second you violate any part of our rules or terms.
Examples of Indecepent Posts/Language that will get you banned:
Adult material or language
Sexual material or language
Naked person/people in pics or videos
Semi Naked person/people in pics or videos
Risque images or videos
Hateful, Disrespectful
Hateful or racist language or posts are NOT allowed on Ameenai. If you violate this rule or any other part of our rules or terms, you / your IP will be BANNED. In addition, all your points accrued are immediately forfeited by you. All your tips or gifts accrued are immediately forfeited by you. You relenquish all benefits, points, gifts, tips, and money accrued on Ameenai the second you violate any part of our rules or terms.
Evil / Dark
Any dark or evil language, behaviour or posts are NOT allowed on Ameenai.
Dark / Evil stuff include but are not limited to:
- Satanic stuff or Satanic anything
- Weird evil stuff or dark stuff like incantations or spells
- Shaman or herbalist or witch-doctor stuff
- Witchcraft
If you violate this rule, you / your IP will be BANNED. In addition, all your points accrued are immediately forfeited by you. All your tips or gifts accrued are immediately forfeited by you. You relenquish all benefits, points, gifts, tips, and money accrued on Ameenai the second you violate any part of our rules or terms.